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Gender Balance, When Men Step Up



Conférence le 31 mars à l'OCDE :

Changing the Conversation: when Men step up on gender balance


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the team of authors and the Publisher Eyrolles, co-hosts for this event, are pleased to invite you to a seminar, Changing the Gender Conversation: when Men step up, organised at the occasion of the book launch:


Gender Balance, When Men Step Up


on 1st April 2016, from 3pm to 5pm

at OECD, 2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris


Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General, Michel Landel, CEO of Sodexo,

Gérald Karsenti, CEO of HP France, Gianmarco Monsellato, CEO of TAJ

and Imad Benmoussa, CEO of Coca Cola France

will share their experience and vision for the future.

RSVP by return email before 21 March,

as seating is limited:

Jeudi 31 mars 2016
15h00 - 17h00

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Jeudi 31 mars 2016
15h00 - 17h00
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